Elevate the cleanliness and appeal of your Dundee property with our professional pressure washing services. Armed with advanced equipment, our expert technicians employ high-pressure water jets to obliterate persistent grime, algae, and dirt from diverse surfaces. Whether rejuvenating your home’s siding, driveway, or patio, our cutting-edge pressure washing techniques ensure a comprehensive and efficient cleaning process.
We are experts in patio cleaning and can remove black spots. These black spots on your patio, usually appear on Indian Sandstone are known as lichen. We have the right tools and chemicals to tackle this.
It could take you all day or even your weekend, which is time consuming and back aching. A Karcher compared to our equipment is like a water pistol. We don’t require the use of your mains electric.
Latest Industrial Equipment Used
Industrial equipment doesn’t mean damage. Correct methods are taken specifically to each type of paving using range of nozzle jet sizes and attachments to control the water flow and pressure to suit the type of patio needing cleaned.